Comments on Include Macro

Last modified by Admin on 2024/06/01 06:49

  • Zoom Hwang
    Zoom Hwang, 2016/12/02 08:26

    If anyone of you couldn't make it work on first attempt, try adding .WebHome to the end of the reference's value. E.g.

    {{include reference="Policy.Document Control Procedure.WebHome"/}}

    Here is where I found the solution:

    • Vincent Massol
      Vincent Massol, 2016/12/03 09:41

      Thanks! I've now added a warning at the top of this page.

  • Markus Lepper
    Markus Lepper, 2019/07/08 19:31

    If a heading contains Umlauts (ä, ö, ü) the section-paranetrer throws an error:

    Failed to execute the [include] macro. Cause: [Cannot find section [HZuständigkeiten] in document ... Click on this message for details.

    How to solve this? Escape characters?

    • Markus Lepper
      Markus Lepper, 2019/07/08 19:57

      I answer my own question: When using "HZustE4ndigkeiten" instead of "HZuständigkeiten" the include-macro works.

  • Note
    Note, 2022/07/08 10:27

    could't include other page‘s attachment picture into a new page !

    • Simpel
      Simpel, 2022/10/22 17:22

      As mentioned in the description you must use display macro instead of include macro then.

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