Toucan Skin

Last modified by Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) on 2024/07/05 17:43

cogProfessional and sober skin which allows several color themes to be chosen
TypeSkin (filesystem)
Developed by

XWiki Development Team

0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1



This skin was bundled in the XWiki distribution until version 4.3 of XWiki Enterprise, when it was retired. It is not maintained anymore by the XWiki development team. If you're interested in working on it you can find the sources in the xwiki-contrib repository on GitHub

Meant to replace the Albatross skin as the default skin. It was replaced by the Colibri skin.



Changing the colors

The Toucan skin supports several possible color themes. The default color theme is light gray. To change the theme go to the Administration page, select the Skin section and in the Default Stylesheet field replace the value style.css by any of these available CSS files:

  • style-red.css
  • style-green.css
  • style-blue.css
  • style-orange.css
  • style-kaki.css
  • style-gray.css
  • style-darkgray.css
  • style-purple.css
  • style-black.css (since Toucan 1.4)
  • style-darkblue.css (since Toucan 1.4)

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