Last modified by Andreea Popescu on 2021/03/17 21:47

  • georgosn
    georgosn, 2009/08/17 20:59

    Patch for Oracle

    If you are using XWiki with Oracle and you have the problem that the MyTodos panel doesn't show anything on the list, edit the panel's page and enter the following code in replacement of the existing:

    #panelheader('My Todos')

    #set ($hql = ", BaseObject as obj, StringProperty as prop1, LargeStringProperty as prop2 where and obj.className='XWiki.TodoClass' and <> 'XWiki.TodoClassTemplate' and and'Status'
    and prop1.value <> 'Finished' and
    and ='Assignee' and prop2.value like '$context.user'
    order by desc")

    #foreach ($todo in $xwiki.searchDocuments($hql, 5, 0))
    * [$todo]

    The actual change is in the LargeStringProperty that replaces the one in the XAR written as StringProperty and the like instead of = for the prop2.value.

    FOR ALL OTHER DATABASES, please test this script to see if it would work with anything else than Oracle.

  • georgosn
    georgosn, 2009/08/20 20:19

    I have attached the v1.1 since I tested it with HSQL (the installer version of XWiki) and it worked just fine. Please let us know if anything else needs to be corrected in this version.

  • Vincent Massol
    Vincent Massol, 2009/08/20 20:49


    This wasn't the right place to attach a new version. I have moved it to the download page.

  • Andreea Popescu
    Andreea Popescu, 2014/07/08 11:41

    Issues I found when testing the app with XE 6.0.1:
    - doesn't have an Application Panel entry
    - missing translations

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