Comments on Search Application

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2022/01/17 10:02

  • DanJones
    DanJones, 2012/04/18 20:02

    Is there any way to have options to search external indexes as well? Such as if I had an openGrok index?

  • GanesanM
    GanesanM, 2013/04/25 09:00

    Is there any way I can index the files without uploading to xwiki? e.g I have folders in some other machine on the network how do I index them without uploading those folders into xwiki?

  • Stuart Stephen
    Stuart Stephen, 2013/06/07 10:08

    Is there a way that we can modify the search results to include a text preview of the matches? We are finding the search results are not as useful as we'd like.

    • Vincent Massol
      Vincent Massol, 2013/06/08 09:06

      This is available in our SOLR search which is meant to replace the Lucene search real soon now emoticon_smile See this SOLR search search image. You can already test it in 5.1M1 and we're releasing 5.1M2 next week.

  • Konna Geo
    Konna Geo, 2017/05/19 12:37

    Is there a way to highlight the "term" I put in "Search" field inside the actual page that has been found? Thank you!

    • Marius Dumitru Florea
      Marius Dumitru Florea, 2017/05/20 10:05

      With database search no. But database search is not used by default. What is used by default is Solr search, which highlights the matches.

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