Comments on Polls Application

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2024/02/05 00:20

  • Roman Muntyanu
    Roman Muntyanu, 2011/12/26 16:59

    Internationalization Document Bundles field is not in the Programming section but in the Localization section of Wiki administration.

    • Sergiu Dumitriu
      Sergiu Dumitriu, 2011/12/27 03:17

      Yes, the administration sections have been reorganized. Updated the documentation.

  • Ludovic Dubost
    Ludovic Dubost, 2012/07/13 00:25

    I just tried the application on 4.1.2 and it seems there are a few things that are not working anymore. The simple vote and multiple vote works but rating, weighted and ranking don't seem to work. It seems the JS is failing but there are no error.

  • Tom Neumann
    Tom Neumann, 2013/10/09 10:36

    the poll should show the user icon if I am right. In my case there only appears a piece of code.
    Can somebody fix this? Or is it my fault?


    • Lukas Raska
      Lukas Raska, 2014/01/24 14:05

      You have to edit Polls.Macros and change this line (should be around line 856)

      #foreach($voter in $voteVoters.get($$velocityCount != 1), #end${xwiki.getUserName($voter, false)}#end


      #foreach($voter in $voteVoters.get($ $voter #end
  • Julian Thurner
    Julian Thurner, 2023/07/13 11:47

    Unfortunately, there are currently a few bugs that prevent proper usage of this extension.
    The most feature breaking bug occurs on single choice, multiple choice and weighted multiple choice polls, but not on ranking or rating polls. When you click on "create polls" you get an alert that your changes may not be saved if you leave the site, but if you proceed, the poll is created anyways. Now if you submit your answers, you get an error message:
    Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [null]. Click on this message for details.

    The details include the following:
    org.xwiki.rendering.macro.MacroExecutionException: Failed to evaluate Velocity Macro for content [...]
    Caused by: org.xwiki.velocity.XWikiVelocityException: Failed to evaluate content with namespace [xwiki:Polls.asdf]
    Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException

    Apart from this bug, all draggable elements don't work, they won't move if you try to drag them. 

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