Oriole Theme

Version 13.1 by Guillaume Fenollar on 2011/12/29 11:08

cogA birdy theme
TypeSkin (filesystem)
Developed by

Guillaume Fenollar

0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1

Installable with the Extension Manager


The Oriole theme has been built using the Nightingale skin. For better look, it's advised to use Nightingale, or a CSS 3 skin.


Here you can see this theme used. On the main page, the nightingaleSkin is used (with curved borders), whereas you can see the result for the colibri skin in the ColorTheme application, in the center of the page.

Prerequisites & Installation Instructions

  • If the skin is packaged in a ZIP file, unzip it into the skins/ directory inside your expanded XWiki WAR directory. 
  • If the skin is packaged as a XAR file, import the XAR in your wiki.
  • Then check the Skin User Guide to learn how to set the skin.

Simply import the .xar file, and import it as it is. Then, choose the "Oriole Theme" into Presentation panel, in Administration section.

Two background images come with the theme, Left oriented bird and right oriented one. Depending on the layout you use (for example panels to left, right, or both), you would use a background, or another. By default, right background bird is used.
If you want to set the bird to left oriented background, you have to modify the ColorTheme (/xwiki/bin/edit/ColorThemes/OrioleTheme) and to specify "oriolebackgroundleft" into "page background image" field, and "left bottom no-repeat" into "Page background image position and repeat" field.

Release Notes


This version will surely be revised when the next skin (with CSS 3) is out.

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