Livetable Macro

Last modified by Simon Urli on 2024/09/23 12:07

tableDisplays a dynamic, filterable and sortable table of data
TypeDoc (Velocity Macro)
Developed byUnknown
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1
Bundled With

XWiki Standard


XWiki Enterprise >= 1.9M2


The most common use case of the livetable macro is displaying a table of documents that contains an XWiki Object of a certain class. This is a powerful way for in-wiki applications developers to offer a mining interface on their application data (for example Contacts in a CRM/Contact manager, Bills in a Billing application, etc.).

Since XWiki 14.10 new development should consider using Live Data macro instead of the Live Table macro: Live Data offers more features and Live Table macro might be deprecated at a time. 


The signature of the macro is the following :

#livetable($id $columns $columnsProperties $options)

Each parameter allows to control the output generated by the macro. Namely:

  • $id is a string identifier that allows to distinguish this table from others. This permits to have several tables on the same page. This id is used in the generated HTML as prefix for some elements' ids.
  • $columns is an array that holds the ordered list of columns to display in the table.
  • $columnsProperties is a hash of properties (options) to customize the behavior of each of the columns
  • $options is a hash with general options (as opposed to columns options) for the table.

The following sections give more details and examples about the last three parameters, $options, $columns and $columnsProperties.

Parameter $options


#set($myTableOptions = {
  "translationPrefix" : "xe.index.users.",
  "tagCloud" : true,
  "rowCount": 10

All accepted values

Option nameDescriptionDefault valueSince
classNameThe full name of the XWiki page holding the class definition for the type of data to display in the table. For example: XWiki.XWikiUsers to display pages with objects of type users. If no className is given (nor any of the resultPage or url options - see below), the table will display all pages of the wiki. This parameter can be ignored by a custom data source if either the resultPage or the url parameters are used.None 
resultPageThe full name of the page to use as a JSON data provider for the table. This option allows to use a different data source than the default one (XWiki.LiveTableResults) for specific needs not handled by LiveTableResults (for example: complex cross-classes queries, external data retrieved with a groovy script, etc.). This parameter will be ignored if the url parameter is used.None 
urlThis is similar to resultPage, except that it accepts an URL instead of the full name of the page to obtain results from. This allows for example to add extra query parameters.None 
selectedColumnThe name of the column on which to sort the live table by default. If this option is absent, the first sortable column met in the $columns array will be used.None 
defaultOrderThe default order to sort on the selected column. Accepted values are asc and descasc 
rowCountThe maximum number of rows to display in one page of the table.15 
maxPagesThe maximum number of pages links to display in the pagination UI (Not including the links to the first and last pages that will always be displayed).10 
translationPrefixA string to prefix table translation keys with (for names of columns for example) in order to have different display messages (translated strings) for different tables.None 
tagCloudDisplay a tag cloud filter and display interface to allow users to see entries matching particular tags and to see which tags match the current filter selectionfalse 
selectedTagsThe list of tags that should be selected initially in the tag cloud. You can still select different tags from the tag cloud after the live table loads.[]5.4RC1
callbackAn advanced option to pass the name of a JavaScript method as custom handler of matched rows, leaving the responsibility of the DOM construction of the row entry, and its injection in the table to this method. This option should be used when complex manipulations are needed to construct row entries, which is not possible to do using the default handler.None 
extraParamsUsed to add extra parameters to the Ajax request for the resultPage which generates the JSON data. Must start with an "&" (If you add multiple settings when using this option they have to be separated with an "&"). You should also use the EscapeTool to URL-encode any special character in your parameter values (e.g. the space name since that space can contain any character). For example: 'extraParams' : "&space=$escapetool.url('ComitĂȘ')". The parameters allowed depend on the implementation of the resultPage. For the default resultsPage (i.e. XWiki.LiveTableResults) here's what's supported:
  • space: Find all the documents from a given specific space (Nested Spaces are not included). Example: "extraParams" : "&space=${}" (for all the documents in the current space).
  • parent: Find all the documents having a specific parent field (not used anymore with Nested Spaces). Example: "extraParams" : "&parent=${}.WebHome"
  • orphaned: Find all the orphaned documents, i.e. documents having an empty parent field (not used anymore with Nested Spaces). Example: "extraParams" : "&orphaned=1"
  • location (new in XWiki 8.1M2): Finds all the documents having a part of their full reference path matching the passed value. Example: "extraParams" : "&location=pa" would match a document at France.Paris.Beaubourg.WebHome. Note that it's possible to filter using the / character instead of the . one.
  • Custom xproperty. Find all the documents having objects that have a specific value for a property ("extraParams" : "&yourProperty=yourValue" - note that in this particular case, yourProperty has to be declared in the $columns array). This option can also be used to view properties of classes other than the one declared in className ("extraParams" : "&yourProperty_class=yourSpace.yourClass" - sorting and filtering available from version 6.2.1.)
topFiltersHTML fragment that will be placed in a "top filter" area in the same fashion as the Tag Cloud filter. All filters elements (input, select) in this fragment will be automatically used as filters for the livetable.None2.3 RC 1
pageSizeDisplay a selection box to allow users to change the number of rows displayed per page in the tabletrue2.4 M1
pageSizeBoundsDefines the page sizes available in the selection box that allows users to change the number of rows displayed per page in the table. This should be a valid initialization of a Javascript array of 3 integer values: the minimum page size, the maximum page size, and the steps between proposed page sizes. The default value propose a selection between 10 and 100 with a step of 10, which means 10, 20, 30, ..., 90 and 100 in the proposed list of sizes.[10,100,10]2.4 M1
queryFiltersOptionally specifies a comma-separated list of already registered Query filter names to apply. Pass the empty string if you don't want any query filters to be applied. If not specified, the default query filters are applied.
Note: This is not the place where you would add "WHERE" clauses, but it`s for the actual name of existing query filters (e.g. "unique", "hidden", etc.). If extra "WHERE" clauses is what you are looking for, then you should use the extraParams option instead.
currentlanguage, hidden6.0 M1
outputOnlyHtmlIf set to true, it ensures that the output of the livetable macro is only HTML markup, without the syntax specific wrappers ({{html}}{{/html}} macro wrapper for syntax 2.0 or {pre}{/pre} wrappers for syntax 1.0). It is most useful when using the livetable macro inside filesystem velocity templates.false6.3 M2
descriptionWhen provided, the value is used for the caption of the Livetable.the empty string, option6.0 M1

Parameter $columns

This parameter allows to define the columns of the Live Table. There are 3 major types of columns a table can declare: document columns, which will be displaying (and filtering on) metadata on the document (such as its author, date of last modification, etc.), object properties columns, for the case the table is bound to an XWiki Class, and special columns, for columns which are not handled by the first two types, such as the list of attachments of a document, the actions that can be performed. The table below in the example summarizes all the possible values that can be passed to the $columns array.


#set($myColumns = ["_avatar", "first_name", "last_name", "email", "doc.creationDate", "_actions"])

All accepted values

doc.nameThe name of the document (for example, WebHome, in Sandbox.WebHome).
doc.titleThe title of the document.
doc.spaceThe space of the document (for example, Sandbox, in Sandbox.WebHome).
doc.locationThe location of the document (for example, Main / Sandbox, in Sandbox.WebHome). Note that the returned value of this column will automatically be treated as html.
doc.fullNameThe full name of the document (for example Sandbox.WebHome).
doc.creationDateThe date at which the document was created.
doc.creatorThe username of the user that created the document.
doc.authorThe username of the last author of the document.
doc.dateThe date at which the document has been last modified.
doc.objectCountThe number of objects of the type indicated by the className parameter found on the page. This column is useful only if you expect your pages to have multiple objects of the className type. If that is the case then you should probably also use the unique query filter (see the queryFilters parameter).
${propertyName}Any property of an XWiki Class the table is bound to, or from any secondary classes. (See the className and extraParams from the $option argument for more information on how to bind a table to an XWiki Class and how to view propertis from other classes).
_imagesA special column to display all images attached to the retrieved document.
_attachmentsA special column to display links to all attachments of the retrieved document.
_actionsA special column to display a list of actions that can be performed on the matched documents.
_avatarA special column to display the user avatar. Works only for a table bound to the XWiki.XWikiUsers XWiki class.

Parameter $columnsProperties


#set($columnsProperties = {
  "_avatar" : { "type" : "none", "link" : "none", "html" : "true", "sortable":false },
  "first_name" : { "type" : "text" , "size" : 20, "link" : "view"},
  "last_name" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "view"},
  "email" : { "type" : "text", "html" : "true" }

All accepted values

  • Document and object fields options:
    NameDescriptionsDefault valueSince
    displayNameThe name to display as a column header for this column (wins over the translationPrefix table option) (Note: available starting with XE 2.3)None2.3
    filterableShould the column present a filter on its header?true12 
    sortableShould the column be available as a sort key?true 
    typeFor filterable columns, the type of filter for the column. Valid values are:
    • hidden (allows to hide a column)
    • text
    • list
    • number
    • boolean since 8.2M2
    • multilist since 8.2M2 (allows the user to filter on multiple values of a list)
    • date since 9.5RC1 
    • suggest since 9.8 (supported by Database List, List of Users and List of Groups property types).
    None (no type) 
    match(6.3M1+) For filterable columns, specifies how the filter value should be matched against the stored value. Possible values are: exact, partial, prefix. The default live table results page is currently supporting this option for the following property types: StringProperty, LargeStringProperty and DBStringListProperty. Custom live table results pages might not provide this option.None (depends on the column data type) 
    sizeThe size of the filter field. CSS might override this value to make the field 100%.None 

    The type of link to use for this column. The following options are available, in order:

    • auto: link to the URL provided by the <columnName>_url row property from the JSON results, if present, otherwise fall back on the doc_url property
    • field: same as auto but without the fallback; this can be used for instance with Database List properties in order to link the column value to the corresponding XWiki document
    • editor: link to edit the corresponding object property (requires LiveTable Property Editor)
    • <property>: link to the URL provided by the doc_<property>_url row property from the JSON results, if present, otherwise fall back on the doc_url property. The following properties are currently supported by the default live table results JSON: author, space, wiki, XWiki 9.1+ edit, copy, delete, rename, rights. You can of course use other properties as long as you add doc_<property>_url to your custom JSON results.

    Note that you need to set the doc_viewable row property to true in order for these values to be taken into account. Leave this empty or don't specify it at all if you don't want to link the column value.

    None (no link) 
    htmlShould the returned value be treated as HTML and injected as is in the row ?false 
    headerClassThe name of an optional CSS class to add to the column HTML table column header.None2.3 RC 1
    classSpecifies the full name of the XWiki class for the type of data to display in the table. Used by the filtering options in the live table header, when the $options hash has resultPage key instead of className or when the column comes from a different object than the one pointed to by className .None 
  • _actions options:
    NameDescriptionsDefault valueSince
    actionsThe list of actions to display on this column. An action can be specified as a string (the action name) or as a map with more advanced action properties. The following list of actions are supported by the default live table results page: view, edit, copy, rename, delete, rights. The action URL for each row is specified by the doc_actionName_url field in the live table JSON. E.g.:
    'actions': [
     'edit', 'delete',
       'id': 'custom',
       'label': 'Custom',
       'icon': 'eye',
       'async': true,
       'callback': 'callSomeJavaScriptFunction()'
      }, {


In all examples below, we are using references to "Terminal" wiki pages. By default when you create new pages in XWiki they are created a Nested Pages and their references ends with .WebHome. Thus adapt the examples accordingly when trying to use them on your own use cases.

The user directory

#set($columns = ["_avatar", "first_name", "last_name", "email", "doc.creationDate", "_actions"])
#set($columnsProperties = {
   "_avatar" : { "type" : "none", "link" : "none", "html" : "true", "sortable":false },
   "first_name" : { "type" : "text" , "size" : 20, "link" : "view"},
   "last_name" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "view"},
   "email" : { "type" : "text", "html" : "true"}
#set($options = {
  "translationPrefix" : "xe.userdirectory.",
  "tagCloud" : true,
  "rowCount": 10
#livetable("userdirectory" $columns $columnsProperties $options)

The url option can also be used to generate the user directory:

#set($options = {
  "url" : "$xwiki.getURL('XWiki.LiveTableResults', 'get', 'outputSyntax=plain&transprefix=xe.index.users.&classname=XWiki.XWikiUsers&collist=_avatar,first_name,last_name,email,doc.creationDate')",
  "translationPrefix" : "xe.userdirectory.",
  "tagCloud" : true,
  "rowCount": 10

Demo (Video)

Document Index

#set($collist = ['', '', '', ''])

#set($colprops = {
 '' : { 'type' : 'text' , 'size' : 30, 'link' : 'view' },
 '' : { 'type' : 'text', 'link' : 'space' },
 '' : { 'type' : 'date' },
 '' : { 'type' : 'text', 'link' : 'author' }

#set($options = {
 'translationPrefix' : 'xe.index.',
 'rowCount' : 15,
 'description' : 'This table lists all the documents found on this wiki. The columns can be sorted and some can be filtered.'

 #set($discard = $collist.add('_actions'))
 #set($discard = $colprops.put('_actions', { 'actions' : ['copy', 'delete', 'rename', 'rights'] }))
#livetable('alldocs' $collist $colprops $options)

Filter organizations by domain

The organization class in the example below has two properties: an org_name of type String and an org_domain of type StaticList. The organization domain can have values like Software or Hardware, which will be used in the live table as filter options.

#set($columns = ["org_name", "org_domain"])
#set($columnsProperties = {
   "org_name" : { "type" : "text" , "size" : 20, "link" : "view"},
   "org_domain" : { "type" : "list", "class": "MySpace.OrganizationClass"}

#set($options = {
  "translationPrefix" : "",
  "rowCount": 10
#livetable("organization_directory" $columns $columnsProperties $options)

The content of MySpace.ListOrganizationJSON (using syntax 2.0): 

{{include reference="XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros" /}}

{{velocity wiki="false"}}
#gridresultwithfilter("MySpace.OrganizationClass" $request.collist.split(",") "" " and<>'OrganizationSheet' and<>'OrganizationTemplate'")

All Attachments

The livetable rows can also be created using a Javascript callback function. For example, the Attachments tab on Document Index:

#set($ok = $xwiki.jsx.use('XWiki.AllAttachments'))
#set($collist = ["filename", "","", "", "", "type"])
#set($colprops = {
                   "filename"  : { "type" : "text" , "size" : 10 },
                   ""  : { "type" : "text" , "size" : 10 },
                   "" : { "type" : "text" , "size" : 10 },
                   ""  : { "type" : "date" , "size" : 10 },
                   "": { "type" : "text" , "size" : 10 },
                   "type" : {"sortable": false}
#set($options = { "url":"$xwiki.getURL('XWiki.AllAttachmentsResults')?xpage=plain&outputSyntax=plain",
                  "callback" : "XWiki.index.displayAttachmentEntry",
                  "translationPrefix" : "xe.index.attachments." })
#livetable('allattachments' $collist $colprops $options)

(% id="inaccessibleDocsMessage" class="hidden" %)

The callback function created the columns for each row using the JSON generated by the url parameter:

XWiki.index.displayAttachmentEntry = function (row, i, table) {
 var inaccessibleDocs = false;
 if(row.acclev == true) {
   var fileLink = new Element('a', {'href' : row.fileurl}).update(row.filename);
   var tr = new Element('tr').update(new Element('td').update(fileLink));
   var pageLink = new Element('a', {'href' : row.url}).update(;
    tr.appendChild(new Element('td', {'class' : 'pagename'}).update(pageLink));
   var spaceLink = new Element('a', {'href' : row.spaceurl}).update(;
    tr.appendChild(new Element('td', {'class' : 'spacename'}).update(spaceLink));
    tr.appendChild(new Element('td').update(;
   var aa = new Element('a', {'href' : row.authorurl}).update(row.authorname);
    tr.appendChild(new Element('td').update(aa));
   var type = new Element('td').update(getMimeTypeImage(row.type));
   return tr;
  } else {
   var tr = new Element('tr');
   var page = row.fullname;
   var td1 = new Element('td').update("unavailable");
   var td2 = new Element('td', {'class' : 'pagename'}).update(page + "*");
   var td3 = new Element('td').update(" ");
   var td4 = new Element('td').update(" ");
   var td5 = new Element('td').update(" ");
   var td6 = new Element('td').update(" ");
   return tr;

Documents with date range

The following code will display a Livetable listing all documents that have been modified in the last 2 days. Requires XWiki 9.5RC1+

#set ($columns = ['doc.title', 'doc.location', '', ''])

#set ($columnsProperties = {
 'doc.title': {'link': 'view'},
 'doc.location': {'html': true},
 '': {'link': 'author'}

#set ($start = $xwiki.jodatime.dateTime.minusDays(2).millis)
#set ($end = $xwiki.jodatime.dateTime.millis)
#set ($options = {
'translationPrefix' : 'platform.index.',
'extraParams': "&${start}-${end}"
#livetable('pages' $columns $columnsProperties $options)

Custom JSON

Here's a minimal working example, displaying two fields ("user" and "message"). A slightly more elaborate example can be found in the code of the Link Checker extension.

Page using the livetable:

#set($columns = [ "user"  , "message" ])

#set($columnsProperties = {
    "user" : { "type" : "text" },
    "message" : { "type" : "text"}

#set($options = {

#livetable("twitter" $columns $columnsProperties $options)

Generate new JSON

Space.MyJSON Page:

{{velocity wiki="false"}}

#if("$!{request.xpage}" == 'plain')

## Offset = item # at which to start displaying data

#set($offset = $numbertool.toNumber($request.get('offset')))

## offset starts from 0 in velocity and 1 in javascript

#set($offset = $offset - 1)
#if($offset < 0)
  #set($offset = 0)

## Limit = # of items to display

#set($limit = $numbertool.toNumber($request.get('limit')))

## Tag = one parameter per tag

  #foreach($tag in $request.getParameterValues('tag'))
    ## TODO: Add code to filter items based on the selected tags

## Sort direction

#set($order = "$!request.sort")
#if($order != '')
  #set($orderDirection = "$!{request.get('dir').toLowerCase()}")
  #if("$!orderDirection" != '' && "$!orderDirection" != 'asc')
    #set($orderDirection = 'desc')

## ===========
## Filter Data here...
## ===========

## TODO: Add code to filter data
## Each column can be filtered and the filter for a column can be retrieved with:
## #set($filterValue = "$!{request.get(<columnname>)}")

## ===
## ===
"totalrows": 1,
"matchingtags": {},
"tags" : [],
"returnedrows":  1,
"offset": 1,
"reqNo": $numbertool.toNumber($request.reqNo),
"rows": [{
 "doc_viewable" : true,
 "user" : "vincent",
 "message" : "my message"

Note that in order to support paging, filtering and sorting you'll need to handle the following URL parameters:

  • offset: value at which to start displaying data in the livetable
  • limit: number of items to display in the livetable
  • <columnFilter>: a filtering string entered for the column named columnFilter
  • sort: the name of the column on which to sort
  • dir: the sorting direction ("asc" or "desc")

For example here's the request sent if you typed the letter t in the message column:


Also note, that doc_viewable row attribute is notably use to display an info message about hidden pages when set to false, and might used for some options, so better to always specify it. 

Modify the default JSON

Starting with XWiki Enterprise 4.0 you can modify the default JSON before it is sent to the client side to feed the live table. Space.MyJSON page could look like this:

{{include reference="XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros" /}}
{{velocity wiki="false"}}
#if("$!{request.xpage}" == 'plain')
## Initialize the map that will store the JSON data.
#set($map = {})
## Build the JSON in memory using the previous map
#gridresult_buildJSON("$!request.classname" $request.collist.split(',') $map)
## Modify the JSON data from the map or add new data.
#set($discard = $map.put('new_table_property', 'some value'))
#foreach($row in $map.get('rows'))
    ## Add an additional constraint for the edit right (just an example).
    #set($rowDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($row.get('doc_fullName')))
    #if($rowDoc.getObject('SomeSpace.SomeClass').getProperty('foo').value != 'bar')
      #set($discard = $row.put('doc_hasedit', false))
  #set($discard = $row.put('new_row_property', 'some other value'))
## Serialize the map in the JSON format.

Note that one could think that this example would slow down your wiki a lot as it loads a Document and an XObject to verify if an XProperty matches a value. And this is done for each Livetable request! (i.e. whenever you type a few letters for example in a filter field for example). The best practice is normally to return all the data from the store in one query so that it executes as fast as possible. In other words, the "if" should be done as much as possible in the query so that the store returns only the matching data). Now, it happens that the call to gridresult_buildJSON will have already loaded the Documents and put them in a memory cache, and thus in practice the cost will be minimal.


Since 6.2.2, with the Flamingo Skin, the livetable is responsive to the screen size. So if there is not enough place to display the table properly (for example: on a smartphone), the livetable will look differently.


Javascript events

Since the livetable is a dynamic javascript based widget, as a developer, you may want to add some specific handling on various events of the livetable. See the dedicated section of the javascript API documentation for information about the available events.


How do I translate "emptyvalue" found in cells and column titles

Create a translation page that you register as a Document Resource Bundle and use the translationPrefix value as the key prefix. For example if you've used "translationPrefix" : "xwikiorg.extensions." then use:

xwikiorg.extensions.emptyvalue = No value specified
xwikiorg.extensions.[yourValue] = Some other value

If you don't want to display any text use:

xwikiorg.extensions.emptyvalue =

How do I translate the action buttons

Create a translation page that you register as a Document Resource Bundle and use the following translation keys as the key prefix for the _actions column:

  • <translationPrefix>._actions.<action>
  • platform.livetable._actions.<action>

The translationPrefix refers to the livetable option parameter and the action refers the values of the _actions  column parameters ( rename, rights, delete, copy, etc.)

What is the issue with filtering on doc.title not working "as expected"

This is explained in detail here: Why does filtering on doc title in a livetable not work as expected.

How is possible to add preview links next to Office documents listed in the _attachments column

Need to modify XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros. In this page existing macro livetable_getAttachmentsList with original source code:

#macro(livetable_getAttachmentsList $itemDoc)
 #set($attachlist = '')
 #foreach($attachment in $itemDoc.attachmentList)
   #set($attachmentUrl = $itemDoc.getAttachmentURL($attachment.filename))
   #set($attachlist = "${attachlist}<a href='${attachmentUrl}'>$attachment.filename</a><br/>")

This macro should be changed like this:

#macro(livetable_getAttachmentsList $itemDoc)
 #set($attachlist = '')
 #foreach($attachment in $itemDoc.attachmentList)
   #set($attachmentUrl = $itemDoc.getAttachmentURL($attachment.filename))
   #if("$!{oomanager.serverState}" == "Connected" && $services.officeviewer.isMimeTypeSupported($attachment.getMimeType().toLowerCase()))
     #set($previewLink="<a class='viewlink' title='$title' href='$href' target='_blank'><img src='$img' /></a>")
   #set($attachlist = "${attachlist}<a href='${attachmentUrl}'>$attachment.filename</a>$previewLink<br/>")

How to debug an issue with the Livetable display

You need to check the returned JSON first and verify it's valid. To get the JSON use Firebug for Firefox or Developer Tools for Chrome and go the Network view. You'll see a request such as:


Open this URL in your browser, this will give you the JSON. Copy-paste it on the  JSONLint page for example and validate it.
If it's invalid then you need the JSON generation code.
(Add &sql=1 at previous URL to see query computed and parameters)

  1. ^ note that filtering on doc.title does not work as expected and was disabled before XWiki 10.9
  2. ^ Before 9.5RC1 only list, text, number are filterable. Since 9.5RC1, date type columns can also be filtered. If you are on an older version, you can try out the extension for a date filter.

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