LDAP Application

Version 8.1 by Jerome on 2012/04/05 13:21

cogConfigure XWiki LDAP connectivity and mappings from the XWiki administration UI
Developed by

XWiki Development Team

0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1

XWiki 4.0M2+

Table of contents



As an administrator, visit your wiki's administration area and get into the LDAP section


The LDAP application assumes LDAP is enabled as the main authenticator via the bundled XWiki LDAP authenticator. If it's not the case, you will be "welcomed" with the following warning message :


In the event you encounter this message, please report to the administration guide in order to enable the LDAP authenticator on your wiki.

Once this is all set up, you can start configuring all other LDAP settings directly into XWiki administrative area. If you are running a farm of wikis (via XWiki Enterprise Manager), you can have different LDAP settings on a per-wiki basis.

The first setting offered allows you to decide if LDAP authentication should be enabled for the wiki at hand. In a single-wiki environment, this option can be used as a switch for LDAP authentication. In a multi-wiki environment this option helps you decide on which wikis should local users be created. A classical configuration will be to enable LDAP on the main wiki, and disable it on other wikis, to have users centralized on the main wiki.


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