IM Macro

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/07/05 14:32

cogDisplays a XWiki User's online status indicator depending upon the imaccount and imtype settings in the user's profile
TypeDoc (Velocity Macro)
Developed by

XWiki Development Team

0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1


This macro is now deprecated. At the moment it's still available but you'll need to edit your xwiki.cfg configuration file and add xwiki.render.velocity.macrolist=/templates/macros.vm,/templates/deprecatedMacros.vm. The macro can be removed at any time and you're highly recommended to stop using it.

The imtype and imtype settings in a user profile currently have to be set using the object editor



Parameters definition

NameOptionalAllowed valuesDefault valueDescription
usernoa stringnonean XWiki user id of the form XWiki.UserName


IM online status indicator of the current user:


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