Footnote Macros

Last modified by Admin on 2025/01/31 01:15

cogAdds notes of text placed (by default) at the bottom of the page
Developed by

XWiki Development Team

Active Installs2
0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1
Bundled With

XWiki Standard

Installable with the Extension Manager


There are 2 macros that work together:

Footnote Macro

The footnote is flagged by a superscript number following that portion of the text the note is in reference to. The superscript number is actually a link to the place (in the page) where that footnote is displayed. When the link is clicked, the target footnote is highlighted. The footnote text in the footnote area is preceded by a back-link, to the place in the text where that footnote is referred.

If no PutFootnotes macro is used explicitly then one is added automatically at the end of the page.



Parameters definition

text is the text that will be displayed in the footnote.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Vivamus lacus est, euismod at, lobortis eu, rhoncus et,
leo{{footnote}}This is some text from{{/footnote}}.

Morbi eget leo. Praesent tempor erat nec sapien. Etiam tincidunt,
tellus et faucibus sagittis, diam diam tincidunt magna, id
fringilla metus libero nec dolor. Curabitur vestibulum
fringilla felis{{footnote}}More dummy text{{/footnote}}. Sed auctor.

Sed scelerisque. Proin sed ipsum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad
litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nulla
vestibulum, neque sed sodales laoreet, augue ante varius pede,
quis feugiat quam nisl varius orci. Maecenas ultricies pede vitae


The code above results in:


When the superscript number link is clicked, the corresponding footnote is highlighted:


When the link that leads back to the reference of a footnote is clicked, the corresponding footnote marker is highlighted:


PutFootnotes Macro

When called, it displays the footnotes declared in the whole page content, at the current position. Nothing is displayed if no footnotes exist in the document.

Only a single PutFootnotes macro is supported per page, and only the last usage of this macro displays the footnotes.



Parameters definition



= A title =

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet{{footnote}}Footnote 1{{/footnote}}, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Vivamus lacus est, euismod at, lobortis eu, rhoncus
et, leo{{footnote}}Footnote 2{{/footnote}}.


**P.S.:** Morbi eget leo. Praesent tempor erat nec sapien. Etiam tincidunt,
tellus et faucibus sagittis, diam diam tincidunt magna, id
fringilla metus libero nec dolor.



Prerequisites & Installation Instructions

We recommend using the Extension Manager to install this extension (Make sure that the text "Installable with the Extension Manager" is displayed at the top right location on this page to know if this extension can be installed with the Extension Manager).

You can also use the manual method which involves dropping the JAR file and all its dependencies into the WEB-INF/lib folder and restarting XWiki.


Dependencies for this extension (org.xwiki.rendering:xwiki-rendering-macro-footnotes 17.0.0):

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