Document Tree Macro

Last modified by Admin on 2025/01/28 13:10

chart_organisationMacro used to display a hierarchy of XWiki documents by using a tree.
Developed by

XWiki Development Team

2 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1
Bundled With

XWiki Standard



Installable with the Extension Manager


Displays a hierarchy of documents (or any other entities such as spaces, wikis, objects, etc) using the Tree Macro.

This macro is part of the Index Application, but it can also be used independently.



You can insert this macro from the WYSIWYG Editor. Look for "Page Tree" in the list of macros.


Wiki Macro

{{documentTree /}}


NameDescriptionDefault Value
checkboxesWhether to display a checkbox in front of each tree node to allow the user to select multiple tree nodes.false
compactIf you have limited horizontal space available then you should probably set this to true. The effect is that the node icons and the edges that connect them will be hidden. Some special styles will also be applied to ensure the tree takes less horizontal space while keeping the node labels fully visible.false
exclusionsThe list of nodes to exclude from the tree. The nodes are specified by their id. At the moment this parameter is taken into account only when hierarchyMode="reference" (the default value) and can be used to exclude only wiki and document nodes. The wiki rendering macro expects a comma-separated list, e.g.: exclusions="wiki:dev,document:someWiki:Path.To.Page" . The Velocity macro expects an actual Set<String>, e.g.: {'exclusions': $collectiontool.set} None
filterByClassShow only the documents that have an object of the specified type. The value of this parameter is the full name of an XWiki document that holds a class definition. For example, 'Blog.CategoryClass' can be used to show only the documents that represent blog categories. Leave this parameter empty if you don't want to restrict the type of documents shown in the tree. This parameter currently works only with hierarchyMode=parentchild.None
filterHiddenDocumentsSet this parameter to false if you want to include the hidden documents in the tree. Otherwise, if the value is true, the hidden documents are excluded or included based on current user's preferences.true
finderShow a text input that can be used to find tree nodes. The input is displayed above the tree and offers suggestions as you type based on the content of the tree. When a suggestion is selected the tree is expanded up to the corresponding node.false
hierarchyModeSpecifies which hierarchy to use between documents. Possible values are "reference" (default) and "parentchild". If "reference" is used then the document hierarchy is defined using only the document reference, especially the nested spaces component of the document reference. If "parentchild" is used then the hierarchy is based on the parent/child relationship defined by the "parent" document field from the database.reference
limitThe maximum number of child nodes to display when expanding a parent node for the first time. The rest of the child nodes are accessible through a "more ..." link. In case there is only one child node remaining, the "more ..." link is replaced by that child node. This parameter is basically used to paginate the child nodes and thus helps the tree scale when the number of child nodes is large.15
linksSpecifies whether the node labels should look and behave as links (anchors).true
openToThe id of the node to open the tree to. All the ancestors of the specified node, up to the root of the tree, will be opened also. The format of the node id is the one used for the root parameter. Example: document:wiki:space1.space2.pageNone
readOnlyShould the user be able to modify the tree structure, provided she has the necessary rights? Note that the changes you make to the tree structure are currently not saved. This is something we'd like to implement in the future.true
rootThe root node id. This is useful if you want to display only the descendants of a given node (which is the specified root). Depending on the value of the showRoot parameter, the tree displays the children of the root node on the first level or the root node itself. The entire tree is displayed if the root node is not specified. The format of a node identifier is entityType:entityReference (see how to get the reference of a page), where the entity type can be for instance wiki, space, document. E.g.: wiki:xwiki, space:xwiki:Main, document:xwiki:Main.WebHome. Note that if you use an Entity Type other than document you must also set the showXXX parameter to true (where XXX is the Entity Type), e.g. showSpaces=trueNone
showAttachmentsWhether to show the document attachments or not.true
showChildDocumentsWhether to show the child documents based on the document parent field. Deprecated. Use the hierarchyMode parameter instead.true
showClassPropertiesWhether to show the class properties for documents that define classes.false
showDocumentTitleWhether to show the rendered document translated title instead of the document name when displaying a document node. If this parameter is set to true then the child nodes are sorted by their raw translated title, with a fall-back on the raw default title and then on the document name (if the raw titles are empty). Note that the rendered title may be different than the raw title if the title is dynamic (i.e. has Velocity code) so the child nodes may not be sorted correctly if some have dynamic titles. The child nodes are sorted by document name when this parameter is set to false.true
showObjectsWhether to show the document objects or not.false
showOnlyViewableShow only the wiki, space and document nodes for which the current user has view right. If this is set to false then the wiki, space and document nodes that are not viewable by the current user are listed in the tree using their names. The user won't be able to see their content by following their links though (the user will just be aware of their existence).true
showRootWhether to show the root node or not. The root node is not shown by default because it is usually implied from the context where the tree is displayed (e.g. a label before the tree). There are some cases though when you may want to display the root node: to be able to create a new node under the root.false
showSpacesWhether to show the space nodes or not. The documents are grouped by space if the space nodes are displayed.false
showTranslationsWhether to show the document translations or not.true
showWikisWhether to show the wiki nodes or not. This can be used only on the main wiki and if the tree source has been saved with programming rights.false
showWikiPrettyNameShow the wiki pretty name instead of the wiki id when displaying a wiki node.true
sortDocumentsByXWiki 16.10.3+, 17.0.0+ The document field used to sort the child documents, followed by the sort order. The following document fields are currently supported: name, title, date (last modification date) and creationDate. You can optionally indicate the sort order: asc (ascending) or desc (descending). Defaults to title:asc when showDocumentTitle is true, and name:asc otherwise.title:asc

Velocity Macro

There is also a Velocity macro available.

  'parameter' : 'value'

In order to use it you have to include the documentTree_macros.vm Velocity template (where the macro is defined). Here's how you can do it from the content of a wiki page:

{{template name="documentTree_macros.vm" /}}



Empty Document Tree

When the tree is empty the following message is displayed:


Children Pages

Displays children pages of the current page:

{{documentTree root="document:" /}}

See also the Children Macro.

Nested Document Tree

This is the same tree you get in the Document Index Tree View.

{{documentTree /}}


Nested Space Tree

{{documentTree showSpaces="true" /}}


Parent-Child Document Tree

This is useful if you want to organize your documents independent of their location (reference). For this you'll have to use the parent document field (from the database).

{{documentTree hierarchyMode="parentchild" /}}


Parent-Child Mixed With Space Grouping

{{documentTree hierarchyMode="parentchild" showSpaces="true" /}}


Navigation Panel

{{documentTree showTranslations="false" showAttachments="false" compact="true" /}}


Full Entity Tree

{{documentTree showWikis="true" showWikiPrettyName="false" showSpaces="true" showDocumentTitle="false"
    showChildDocuments="false" showObjects="true" showClassProperties="true" /}}


Subtree with Checkboxes

{{documentTree root="document:xwiki:Sandbox.WebHome" checkboxes="true"/}}


Custom Document Tree

If the available document tree parameters are not enough to adjust the document tree to your needs then you may have to create a custom document tree. One way to do this is to create a new page that reuses some of the Velocity macros from XWiki.DocumentTreeMacros and then pass it in the reference parameter of the Tree Macro:

{{tree reference="Path.To.MyCustomTreeDefinition" /}}

Check the following examples of custom tree definitions.

Exclude nodes based on their ids

{{include reference="XWiki.DocumentTreeMacros" /}}

{{velocity output="false"}}
#macro (filterChildren $children)
  #set ($excludes = ['xwiki:Main.WebHome', 'xwiki:XWiki.WebHome'])
  #set ($filteredChildren = [])
  #foreach ($child in $children)
    #if (!$excludes.contains($
      #set ($discard = $filteredChildren.add($child))
  #set ($discard = $children.clear())
  #set ($discard = $children.addAll($filteredChildren))

{{velocity wiki="false"}}
#if ($xcontext.action == 'get')
  #if ($ == 'children')
    #set ($children = $NULL)
    #getChildren($ $children)
    #if ($children)
      #set ($discard = $response.setContentType('application/json'))
    ## Continue with the default behaviour.


If you see a spinning wheel and no data displayed in your custom tree UI, it means your page returning your custom data is not returning data in the right format. You can check this by opening the your browser dev tools and find the request to your custom page. Then check the response you send back and verify the data.

For Developers


When calling  XWiki.DocumentTree to retrieve the attachments. For instance http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/get/XWiki/DocumentTree?outputSyntax=plain&language=en&showTranslations=false&showWikis=true&data=children&id=attachments%3Axwiki%3ASandbox.WebHome, the response is for the form:

   "id": "attachment:xwiki:Sandbox.WebHome@XWikiLogo.png",
   "text": "XWikiLogo.png",
   "icon": "fa fa-file-image-o",
   "children": false,
   "data": {
     "id": "xwiki:Sandbox.WebHome@XWikiLogo.png",
     "type": "attachment",
     "validChildren": [],
     "hasContextMenu": true,
     "draggable": true,
     "canRename": true,
     "canDelete": true,
     "canMove": true,
     "canCopy": true,
     "deleteURL": "/xwiki/bin/delattachment/Sandbox/WebHome/XWikiLogo.png",
     "mimetype": "image/png"
   "a_attr": {
     "href": "/xwiki/bin/download/Sandbox/WebHome/XWikiLogo.png?rev=1.1"

The data key contains the mimetype field, containing the mimetype of the listed document.

Prerequisites & Installation Instructions

We recommend using the Extension Manager to install this extension (Make sure that the text "Installable with the Extension Manager" is displayed at the top right location on this page to know if this extension can be installed with the Extension Manager). Note that installing Extensions when being offline is currently not supported and you'd need to use some complex manual method.

You can also use the following manual method, which is useful if this extension cannot be installed with the Extension Manager or if you're using an old version of XWiki that doesn't have the Extension Manager:

  1. Log in the wiki with a user having Administration rights
  2. Go to the Administration page and select the Import category
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to upload the downloaded XAR
  4. Click on the uploaded XAR and follow the instructions
  5. You'll also need to install all dependent Extensions that are not already installed in your wiki


Dependencies for this extension (org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-index-tree-macro 17.0.0):

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