
Version 9.1 by Pascal Bastien on 2015/05/05 18:34

cogA way to display data, from an xwiki application, with bootstrap style tabs and tooltip + an application example in Sandbox space
Developed by

Pascal Bastien

0 Votes
LicenseDo What The Fuck You Want To Public License 2

Tested from xWiki 6.4 to 7.0.1 with flamingo skin.


 (still working on it)


I have an application with data but I want simply add tabs presentation and tooltip help.


  • a nice application with a Class BootstrapTabClass, Template BootstrapTabTemplate and Sheet BootstrapTabSheet
  • some CSS instruction to dipslay tabs and tooltips in a  XWiki.StyleSheetExtension Objects attached to the Sheet BootstrapTabSheet
  • some javascript code to save last opened tab when we edit or view a page to stay on same opened tab in an XWiki.JavaScriptExtension object attached to the Sheet BootstrapTabSheet
  • some short CSS instruction to apply only in view mode in an XWiki.StyleSheetExtension Objects attached to the Class by example BootstrapTabClass


Here velocity code in my BootstrapTabSheet sheet:

## tab and table CSS
#set($discard = $xwiki.ssx.use("Sandbox.BootstrapTabSheet"))
#if ($xcontext.action == 'view')
  ## Affiche une CSS spécifique en visualisation
  #set($discard = $xwiki.ssx.use("Sandbox.BootstrapTabClass"))

## Javascript to drop a cookie to save last opened tab
#set($discard = $xwiki.jsx.use("Sandbox.BootstrapTabSheet"))

##Prefix to identify HTML code to display it
#set ($PrefxHtml= 'CodeH')

{{html wiki="true"}}

## Class to use
#set($class = $doc.getObject('Sandbox.BootstrapTabClass').xWikiClass)
## loop on Class properties
#foreach($prop in $
  ## display HTML code (stored in Prettyname property) for tab and container
  #if ($prop.Name.startsWith("$!{PrefxHtml}_")=='true')
    ##Début du bloc Div: insère le contenu HTML (début du Div) contenu dans le prettyName
    #set ($StrLine= $prop.prettyName)
    ##display data in a table
    ##start the line
    #set ($StrLine= "<div class='BstRow'>")
    #if ($stringtool.trimToEmpty($prop.prettyName)!='')
      ## display PrettyName in first Column
      #set ($StrLine= $!StrLine+"<div class='BstColumn1'>$prop.prettyName</div>")
    ## display data in second Column
    ## #set ($StrLine= $!StrLine+" <div class='BstColumn2 BstViewValue'>$doc.display($prop.getName())</div>")
    #set ($StrLine= $!StrLine+" <div class='BstColumn2 BstViewValue " + $classWidthColumn + "'>$doc.display($prop.getName())</div>")
    ## end of the line
    #set ($StrLine= $!StrLine+"</div>")
  ## display the table line
  ## and reinit it
  #set ($StrLine='')



How it is working?

I use a classic loop to display all my field except for field who's the name starting with 'CodeH_' string. In this case I display only the PrettyName value. The PrettyName value of this specific field contains of course this HTML code for my tabs.
First HTML code for all tabs:
<div class="tabs"><ul class="nav nav-tabs"><li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#P1"><span class="Down">&#x25BC;</span> Tab one</a></li><li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#P2"><span class="Down">&#x25BC;</span> Tab two</a></li><li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#P9"><span class="Down">&#x25BC;</span> My last tab</a></li></ul><div class="tab-content"><div id="P1" class="tab-pane fade in active"><h4>My Tab one H4 title</h4><DIV Id="TabP1" Class="container"><div class="Bloc"><div class="BlocTitle">My bloc title</div> 
HTML code to start a new tab:
<div id="P2" class="tab-pane fade"><h4>Another Comment with large width</h4><DIV Id="TabP2" Class="container">
Here a screenshot of BootstrapTabClass and result to understand better:


To display tips I paste in the PrettyName this HTML code:
My PrettyName <span class="BtsHelp yellow-tooltip" rel="tooltip"  data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Text displayed in tooltip"> icon:lightbulb </span>




Xar example in Sandbox space

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