Changes for page Extensions Wiki

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2017/03/01 17:23

From version 54.1
edited by Denis Gervalle
on 2014/07/25 21:08
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 52.1
edited by Vincent Massol
on 2012/02/12 14:56
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -Extensions Wiki
1 +Extensions
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -xwiki:XWiki.dgervalle
1 +xwiki:XWiki.VincentMassol
... ... @@ -1,50 +1,20 @@
1 1  {{velocity}}
2 -## This pages serves 3 purposes:
3 -## - Used by the Extension Manager UI to display the extension page for an extension based on the Maven <url> element which are set to${groupId}:${artifactId}:::...
4 -## - Used by the Javadoc to display external link, which based on the Maven <url> are set to${groupId}:${artifactId}:::?id=groupid:artifactid:version:::.../apidocs/....html?is-external=true. Also support old Javadoc (pre-6.2) to display external link, which does not have version in URL.
5 -## - Displays the list of extensions (when there's no "id" request parameter) using Extension.WebHome
2 +## This pages serves 2 purposes:
3 +## - Used by the Extension Manager UI to display the documentation link for an extension based on the Maven <url> element which are set to${groupId}:${artifactId}&path=...
4 +## See for details
5 +## - It's displays the list of extensions (when there's no "id" request parameter)
6 6  ##
7 7  #if ("$!" != "")
8 8   ## Remove the part after ":::" (see top level pom.xml source for explanation as to why)
9 - #set ($mid = $stringtool.substringBefore($, ":::"))
10 - ## Find out if we receive a link to javadoc
11 - #set ($jdoc = $stringtool.substringAfter($, "/apidocs/"))
12 - ## Parse module id
13 - #set ($pmid = $stringtool.split($mid,":",3))
14 - #set ($gid = $pmid[0])
15 - #set ($artid = $pmid[1])
16 - ## Determine the version
17 - #if ($pmid.size() > 2)
18 - #set ($version = $pmid[2])
19 - #else
20 - ## Version is not in the URL and we are targetting Javadoc, so try to get it from the referer
21 - #if ($jdoc)
22 - #set ($referer = $request.getHeader("Referer"))
23 - #if ($referer)
24 - #set ($jmod = $stringtool.split($stringtool.substringAfterLast($stringtool.substringBefore($referer, "-javadoc"),"/"),"."))
25 - #set ($version = "${stringtool.substringAfterLast($jmod[0],'-')}.${jmod[1]}")
26 - #end
27 - #end
28 - ## No version has been found, use the version of this wiki as a default
29 - #if (!$version)
30 - #set ($version = $xwiki.version)
31 - #end
32 - #end
33 - ## If we are targetting Javadoc, redirect to it through our nexus, else determine the id of the module
34 - #if ($jdoc)
35 - #set ($gid = $stringtool.replace($gid, ".", "/"))
36 - $response.sendRedirect("${gid}/${artid}/${version}/${artid}-${version}-javadoc.jar/!/${jdoc}")
37 - #else
38 - #set($id = "${gid}:${artid}")
39 - #end
9 + #set ($id = $stringtool.substringBefore($, ":::"))
40 40   ## Locate the extension by its id
41 41   ## Special case, if the id is the one of the top level POM, then redirect to the main wiki
42 42   #if ($id == "org.xwiki.commons:xwiki-commons")
43 - $response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL("xwiki:Main.WebHome"))
13 + $response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL("xwiki:Main.WebHome"))
44 44   #else
45 - #set ($xwql = "where doc.object(ExtensionCode.ExtensionClass).id = '$id'")
46 - #set ($result = $services.query.xwql($xwql).execute())
47 - #if ($result.size() > 0)
15 + #set ($xwql = "where doc.object(ExtensionCode.ExtensionClass).id = '$id'")
16 + #set ($result = $services.query.xwql($xwql).execute())
17 + #if ($result.size() > 0)
48 48   $response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL($result.get(0)))
49 49   #else
50 50   ## Unknown ID, list all extensions
... ... @@ -55,4 +55,3 @@
55 55   {{include document="Extension.WebHome"/}}
56 56  #end
57 57  {{/velocity}}
58 -

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