Deprecated Ratings API (before 12.9RC1)

Last modified by Simon Urli on 2020/10/16 14:04

This page contains the documentation of the Ratings API before the changes performed in 12.9RC1.


This component can be used together with the Ratings Application version 1.3 or more.


Since 6.4 the configuration can be made through objects.
It is recommended to do so due to the fact that the configuration from xwiki documents takes precedence on the one from xwiki.cfg.
Please see the Ratings Application for more info on how to do that.

Supported parameters :

xwiki.cfg parameter key (old XWiki.XWikiPreferences field name)DescriptionAccepted valuesDefault value
xwiki.ratings.managerHintName of RatingsManager component to usedefault for org.xwiki.ratings.internal.DefaultRatingsManager
separate for org.xwiki.ratings.internal.SeparatePageRatingsManager
xwiki.ratings.averagerating.stored (ratings_averagerating_stored)Is the average rating stored in a XWiki object ?0 or 10
xwiki.ratings.reputation (ratings_reputation)Is user reputation feature activated ?0 or 10
xwiki.ratings.reputation.stored (ratings_reputation_stored)Is user reputation stored in a XWiki object ?0 or 10
xwiki.ratings.reputation.defaultmethod (ratings_reputation_defaultmethod)Name of the methods used for calculating a user reputation. In the user profile, one object per calculation method will be stored, each one referencing the name of the method used.Coma-separated list of methodsaverage
xwiki.ratings.reputationAlgorithmHintThe reputation algorithm component to usedefault for org.xwiki.ratings.internal.DefaultReputationAlgorithm, simple for org.xwiki.contrib.ratings.internal.SimpleReputationAlgorithm, name of a page containing a Groovy class for using a custom groovy implementation
xwiki.ratings.separatepagemanager.spacename (ratings_separatepagemanager_spacename)The name of the space to use to store ratings documents/objects when using the sepearate-page ratings managerThe name of the space to be usedNone (uses the same spaces as the page being rated)
xwiki.ratings.separatepagemanager.ratingsspaceforeachspace (ratings_separatepagemanager_ratingsspaceforeachspace)Should the separate page ratings manager use a space for each of the rated space?0 or 10


@Since 6.4

Backwards compatibility

The extension's sources have been integrated into a module of the xwiki-platform.
This implies that the package name changed thus backwards compatibility was broken.

The script service basically remains intact. The methods contained by that service maintain the same signatures. Nothing has changed from this point of view.
So previous versions of the ratings module (the ones from contrib) can use the service just as before without it breaking things.

The issue that arises from changing the package name is that any code that uses classes from that package explicitly will be broken.


Say you have a java or groovy script in which you want to use a class from the ratings api package or typed variables.
That code will be broken due to the fact that packages don't match anymore.

org.xwiki.contrib.ratings.Rating myRating = new org.xwiki.contrib.ratings.Rating();
org.xwiki.contrib.ratings.RatingAPI myRating = services.ratings.getRating(doc, author);

on the other hand the following should be ok

services.ratings.getRating(doc, author).getVote();


Methods which were passed a Document as an argument have been deprecated and replaced with new ones taking DocumentReference


 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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package org.xwiki.ratings.script;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.inject.Provider;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

import org.xwiki.component.annotation.Component;
import org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReference;
import org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReferenceResolver;
import org.xwiki.model.reference.EntityReference;
import org.xwiki.ratings.AverageRatingApi;
import org.xwiki.ratings.ConfiguredProvider;
import org.xwiki.ratings.Rating;
import org.xwiki.ratings.RatingsManager;
import org.xwiki.script.service.ScriptService;
import org.xwiki.stability.Unstable;

import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext;
import com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document;

 * Script service offering access to the ratings API.
 * @version $Id$
 * @since 6.4M3
public class RatingsScriptService implements ScriptService
    private Provider<XWikiContext> xcontextProvider;

    private ConfiguredProvider<RatingsManager> ratingsManagerProvider;

    private DocumentReferenceResolver<String> documentReferenceResolver;

    private DocumentReferenceResolver<EntityReference> referenceDocumentReferenceResolver;

    private DocumentReferenceResolver<String> userReferenceResolver;

     * Retrieve the XWiki context from the current execution context.
     * @return the XWiki context
     * @throws RuntimeException If there was an error retrieving the context
    private XWikiContext getXWikiContext()
        return this.xcontextProvider.get();

     * Store a caught exception in the context.
     * @param e the exception to store, can be null to clear the previously stored exception
    private void setError(Throwable e)
        getXWikiContext().put("exception", e);

     * Retrieve the global configuration document.
     * @return an absolute reference to the global configuration document
    private DocumentReference getGlobalConfig()
        return this.referenceDocumentReferenceResolver.resolve(RatingsManager.RATINGS_CONFIG_GLOBAL_REFERENCE);

     * Wrap rating objects.
     * @param ratings a list of rating object
     * @return list of object wrapped with the RatingAPI
    private static List<RatingApi> wrapRatings(List<Rating> ratings)
        if (ratings == null) {
            return null;

        List<RatingApi> ratingsResult = new ArrayList<RatingApi>();
        for (Rating rating : ratings) {
            ratingsResult.add(new RatingApi(rating));

        return ratingsResult;

     * Set a new rating.
     * @param doc the document which is being rated
     * @param author the author giving the rating
     * @param vote the number of stars given (from 1 to 5)
     * @return the new rating object
     * @deprecated use {@link #setRating(DocumentReference, DocumentReference, int)} instead
    public RatingApi setRating(Document doc, String author, int vote)
        DocumentReference documentRef = doc.getDocumentReference();
        DocumentReference authorRef = this.userReferenceResolver.resolve(author);
        return setRating(documentRef, authorRef, vote);

     * Set a new rating.
     * @param document the document which is being rated
     * @param author the author giving the rating
     * @param vote the number of stars given (from 1 to 5)
     * @return the new rating object
    public RatingApi setRating(DocumentReference document, DocumentReference author, int vote)
        // TODO protect this with programming rights
        // and add a setRating(docName), not protected but for which the author is retrieved from getXWikiContext().

        try {
            return new RatingApi(this.ratingsManagerProvider.get(document).setRating(document, author, vote));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return null;

     * Retrieve a specific rating.
     * @param doc the document to which the rating belongs to
     * @param author the user that gave the rating
     * @return a rating object
     * @deprecated use {@link #getRating(DocumentReference, DocumentReference)} instead
    public RatingApi getRating(Document doc, String author)
        DocumentReference documentRef = doc.getDocumentReference();
        DocumentReference authorRef = this.userReferenceResolver.resolve(author);
        return getRating(documentRef, authorRef);

     * Retrieve a specific rating.
     * @param document the document to which the rating belongs to
     * @param author the user that gave the rating
     * @return a rating object
    public RatingApi getRating(DocumentReference document, DocumentReference author)

        try {
            Rating rating = this.ratingsManagerProvider.get(document).getRating(document, author);
            if (rating == null) {
                return null;
            return new RatingApi(rating);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return null;

     * Get a list of ratings.
     * @param doc the document to which the ratings belong to
     * @param start the offset from which to start
     * @param count number of ratings to return
     * @return a list of rating objects
     * @deprecated use {@link #getRatings(DocumentReference, int, int)} instead
    public List<RatingApi> getRatings(Document doc, int start, int count)
        return getRatings(doc.getDocumentReference(), start, count);

     * Get a list of ratings.
     * @param document the document to which the ratings belong to
     * @param start the offset from which to start
     * @param count number of ratings to return
     * @return a list of rating objects
    public List<RatingApi> getRatings(DocumentReference document, int start, int count)
        return getRatings(document, start, count, true);

     * Get a sorted list of ratings.
     * @param doc the document to which the ratings belong to
     * @param start the offset from which to start
     * @param count number of ratings to return
     * @param asc in ascending order or not
     * @return a list of rating objects
     * @deprecated use {@link #getRatings(DocumentReference, int, int, boolean)} instead
    public List<RatingApi> getRatings(Document doc, int start, int count, boolean asc)
        return getRatings(doc.getDocumentReference(), start, count, asc);

     * Get a sorted list of ratings.
     * @param document the document to which the ratings belong to
     * @param start the offset from which to start
     * @param count number of ratings to return
     * @param asc in ascending order or not
     * @return a list of rating objects
    public List<RatingApi> getRatings(DocumentReference document, int start, int count, boolean asc)

        try {
            return wrapRatings(this.ratingsManagerProvider.get(document).getRatings(document, start, count, asc));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

     * Get average rating.
     * @param doc the document to which the average rating belongs to
     * @param method the method of calculating the average
     * @return a average rating API object
     * @deprecated use {@link #getAverageRating(DocumentReference, String)} instead
    public AverageRatingApi getAverageRating(Document doc, String method)
        return getAverageRating(doc.getDocumentReference(), method);

     * Get average rating.
     * @param document the document to which the average rating belongs to
     * @param method the method of calculating the average
     * @return a average rating API object
    public AverageRatingApi getAverageRating(DocumentReference document, String method)

        try {
            return new AverageRatingApi(this.ratingsManagerProvider.get(document).getAverageRating(document, method));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return null;

     * Get average rating.
     * @param doc the document to which the average rating belongs to
     * @return a average rating API object
     * @deprecated use {@link #getAverageRating(DocumentReference)} instead
    public AverageRatingApi getAverageRating(Document doc)
        return getAverageRating(doc.getDocumentReference());

     * Get average rating.
     * @param document the document to which the average rating belongs to
     * @return a average rating API object
    public AverageRatingApi getAverageRating(DocumentReference document)

        try {
            return new AverageRatingApi(this.ratingsManagerProvider.get(document).getAverageRating(document));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return null;

     * Get average rating from query.
     * @param fromsql the from clause of the query
     * @param wheresql the where clause of the query
     * @param method the method of calculating the average
     * @return a average rating API object
    public AverageRatingApi getAverageRating(String fromsql, String wheresql, String method)

        try {
            return new AverageRatingApi(this.ratingsManagerProvider.get(getGlobalConfig()).getAverageRatingFromQuery(
                fromsql, wheresql, method));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return null;

     * Get average rating from query.
     * @param fromsql the from clause of the query
     * @param wheresql the where clause of the query
     * @return a average rating API object
    public AverageRatingApi getAverageRating(String fromsql, String wheresql)

        try {
            return new AverageRatingApi(this.ratingsManagerProvider.get(getGlobalConfig()).getAverageRatingFromQuery(
                fromsql, wheresql));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return null;

     * Get a user's reputation.
     * @param username the user document
     * @return a average rating API object
    public AverageRatingApi getUserReputation(String username)
        DocumentReference userRef = this.userReferenceResolver.resolve(username);
        return getUserReputation(userRef);

     * Get a user's reputation.
     * @param username the user document
     * @return a average rating API object
    public AverageRatingApi getUserReputation(DocumentReference username)

        try {
            return new AverageRatingApi(this.ratingsManagerProvider.get(getGlobalConfig()).getUserReputation(username));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return null;

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