Changes for page Configuration

Last modified by Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) on 2017/09/04 14:27

From version 12.1
edited by Marius Dumitru Florea
on 2010/06/02 18:47
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 14.1
edited by Marius Dumitru Florea
on 2010/11/02 23:37
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
25 25  #990000,#B45F06,#BF9000,#38761D,#134F5C,#0B5394,#351C75,#741B47,
26 26  #660000,#783F04,#7F6000,#274E13,#0C343D,#073763,#20124D,#4C1130##
27 27  |**colorsPerRow**|The maximum number of colors the color picker should display on a row|##8##
28 +|**convertInput**|Whether to convert the input (the value taken from the hook element) or not. Set this parameter to ##true## if the value of the plain text area being replaced represents wiki syntax. Leave it unset or set it to ##false## if the WYSIWYG editor input is HTML|##false##
28 28  |**debug**|Whether to load the editor in debug mode or not. In debug mode you can see the dirty HTML generated by the editor, the cleaned HTML, the source text and the rendering events that were triggered during the conversion of the cleaned HTML to source text. The syntax of the source text is controlled by the **syntax** parameter.|##false##
29 29  |**defaultEditor**|Specifies the default tab when **displayTabs** is ##true##. Use ##wysiwyg## to load initially the WYSIWYG editor and ##source## to load initially the source editor.|##source##
30 30  |**displayTabs**|Whether to display the WYSIWYG/Source tabs or not. The source editor is not available when the tabs are not displayed. The default tab is controlled by the **defaultEditor** parameter.|##false##
... ... @@ -67,9 +67,11 @@
67 67  * **removeformat**: remove all in-line text formatting)))|-
68 68  |**history**|Controls the editing history.|(((* **undo**: go one step back in the editing history
69 69  * **redo**: go one step forward in the editing history)))|-
71 +|**image**|Adds support for inserting and editing images|-|**image**
72 +|**import**|Adds support for importing external content|(((* **import:officefile**: import office document
73 +* **paste**: paste rich text from the clipboard)))|**import**
70 70  |**indent**|Allows you to increase or decrease the indentation of list items.|(((* **outdent**: decrease indentation
71 71  * **indent**: increase indentation)))|-
72 -|**image**|Adds support for inserting and editing images|-|**image**
73 73  |**justify**|Controls the text alignment.|(((* **justifyleft**: align text left
74 74  * **justifycenter**: center text
75 75  * **justifyright**: align text right
... ... @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
78 78  |**link**|Add support for creating and editing different kind of links|-|**link**
79 79  |**list**|Adds support for creating lists|(((* **unorderedlist**: creates bulleted lists
80 80  * **orderedlist**: numbered lists)))|-
81 -|**macro**|Adds support for inserting and editing macros|-|**macro**
84 +|**macro**|Adds support for inserting and editing macros|(((* **macro:macroId**: insert the macro with the specified identifier, e.g. use macro:velocity to add a button on the tool bar that triggers the insert Velocity macro wizard)))|**macro**
82 82  |**separator**|Offers different kind of content and toolbar separators|(((* **hr**: inserts a horizontal ruler
83 83  * **|**: separates toolbar features in groups
84 84  * **/**: breaks the toolbar in multiple lines)))|-
... ... @@ -146,3 +146,18 @@
146 146  You can place the Background Color button anywhere on the toolbar. Just make sure you leave a space before and after, unless its the first or the last feature on the toolbar.
147 147  
148 148  That's it. You have to restart your server because macros.vm is cached by default at application startup. Reload the edited page and you should see the Background Color button appear on the toolbar of your WYSIWYG editor.
152 +
153 +=== Add an 'Insert HTML macro' button on the tool bar ===
154 +
155 +Suppose you use the HTML macro very often and thus you'd like to have a quick way to insert it from the tool bar. You don't use the HTML macro that often? No problem, it works with any macro. You just need to follow this steps:
156 +
157 +1. Add ##macro:html## (or ##macro:yourCoolMacro## if you like ##yourCoolMacro## more) to the tool bar configuration as explained in the previous example.
158 +1. Set a custom icon for the tool bar button by adding:
159 +
160 +{{code language=none}}
161 +.macro-html {
162 + background-image:url("/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/html.gif") !important;
163 +}
164 +{{/code}}
165 +
166 +to your skin. Of course you can use a different icon and you can replace ##html## with the identifier of your macro. The easiest way to adds this CSS fragment to the skin is by adding a ##XWiki.StyleSheetExtension## object to a page and set it to be always used on the wiki.

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